3 Reasons Why Project Based Learning Works

Before you continue reading this post, take some time to reflect on your own school experience.

Whether it was a few years ago, or a few decades ago, what are those learning experiences that you remember most? What were those experiences that kept you most engaged? Which experiences had the best...

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Teaching With the Right Tools for Success

It has often been said that to be a runner, all you need is a pair of shorts and some shoes.

While this may be true in theory, from my experience, running goes well beyond those two simple pieces of equipment. Yes, shorts and shoes may be enough to get you started, but at the same time, they may...

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It's A Classroom Not A Bootcamp: Classroom Management 2.0


Ah, yes—the first day of class. That special time of the year when everything starts fresh.

New students. New ideas. New opportunities.

And the same old first-day routine. If you are like many teachers, the first day of class,...

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What If Teachers Could Extinguish Shame?

Shame permeates our schools and classrooms. Kids shame their peers and, sometimes, usually unwittingly, teachers shame their students.

Compassionate classrooms, detailed in Hacking School Culture by Angela Stockman and Ellen Feig Gray, extinguish shame.

Read the excerpt below to find out how to...

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